Q1) Do you think you’re hot?
No, not really, but I hope my novels are. Others seem to think they are, so fingers crossed.
Q2) Upload a picture or wallpaper you’re using at the moment
I’m a member of a photographic club and we have an exhibition coming up in 3 weeks time, so I have been preparing exhibits. This is my first exhibition and I’m nervous because I don’t really know what I’m doing. I have discovered (on reading photography forums) that photography, like writing, rarely pays well. Neither does gardening. And scientists are underpaid in this country. Trust me to pick the poorly paid endeavours.
This is a small version of one of my exhibits. The usual remarks about copyright hold true. Please do not use this image without permission.

I have had this, and other images made into greetings cards which I hope to sell at the exhibition. The problem is that to make even a tiny profit I have to charge quite a lot per card, and I’m not sure people will pay that when they can get a dozen cards at the supermarket. I did approach a card company about my photos, and got all excited when they wanted to see some. But they declined, saying the were too “Fine Art” for their market. I’m convinced it was a kindly put-down to avoid hurting my feelings.
Q3) When did you last eat chicken? This morning, for breakfast, before it went off. I can’t abide wasting food, which is why I resemble a dustbin.
Q4) The song you listened to recently?
The dawn chorus. I love the liquid notes of the blackbird.
Q5) What are you thinking as you do this?
I’m tossing up whether to do some writing or whether to do some housework. I expect the housework will win this time because it has been horribly neglected over the last few days. (Months, years.) And part of me is daydreaming about a book deal, but I don’t really dare to give much credence to those dreams.
Q6) Have you any nicknames?
My kids, bless their little hearts, call me Mumsie, which reminds me of Walter the Softy in the Beano, or Mudder, which is reminiscent of bovines. I have one or two online names which I won’t disclose.
Tag three blogging pals? Oh, crumbs.
The Elephant in the Writing Room
Good old Sally
I see from Karen’s post that she’s just had a very similar experience to mine. I read through something that had been mulching for a while and found some mistakes, including some pretty basic ones. And then I was told that there were some other flaws, now fixed, I hope. When revising a ms I end up with ms-blindness where I stop reading what I wrote and skim-read instead…. A fresh pair of experienced and analytical eyes always helps.
Always a good source of advice.